Monday, December 16, 2013

Day 16 - Blessed by Good Health & a Happy Disposition

Day 16 was full of hidden blessings. I got up early and went to Yoga class. Loved it. Walked on the elliptical, which I also love, then "discovered the new stair climber!!! I felt so good when I got home this morning! :) Seems like I am having to chase off those blues quite a bit....but I managed to get rid of them...several times today. Had a store full of customers...who bought a lot. Went to lunch with Kristi and Karissa. Had a busy home helped Sherree in the shop with her last homemade gift. Walked Rusty....ate my supper and I am heading to bed in a few minutes. It has been a good day, and I am thankful.....Only 15 days left!!!!!

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