Saturday, November 30, 2013

Day 30 - Thankful for Finished Tasks

November 30 - 30 Days of Thankfulness - I am thankful for this 30 days. I have always know how blessed I am, and often amazed. This 30 Days has made me even more aware of my blessings, but also it changes the configuration of my day when I start our consciously being thankful. It has been an awsome experience and one I am going to continue. Starting December 1, 2013 (yes that is tomorrow!) I am going to Giving Thanks for 31 Days.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Day 29 - Thankful for Black Friday ?!?

Day 29 marks Black Friday at Amos Jewelry....really not my favorite day...but this day has been unusually busy and fun.

 It has been a happy holiday feeling around here all day. Great way to kick off the season for me and my sweet husband. So maybe this year we will start a new tradition with Black Friday: Fun Friday :-) and I am thankful for it.

Day 28 - Thanksgiving - Tessa

Tessa setting her first Thanksgiving table in the new house in Alliance NE.
Day 28 - 2013 Thanksgiving at the Oestmans - I am so thankful for my beautiful daughter Tessa.
    I spent Tuesday night, Wednesday and Thursday with Tessa and her sweet family. She is such a joy to me now, as she has been since the first time I laid my eyes on her. The sun still shows up
everytime I see her beautiful face. She is a joy to listen to and to watch her with her daughters, and husband is amazing. Tessa is truly and beautiful women in every way. I am so blessed to be her Momma and share this journey with her.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Day 27 - Thankful for Berry Manilow Sweet Potatoes

Day 27 at my Beautiful Daughter's house. Tessa and I are working on Thanksgiving dinner for tomorrow. About have the turkey brine ready, Tessa is working on Cranberry salad, and pumpkin pies will be put together after Halle wakes from her nap. In the meantime Tessa just pulled out the recipe for Granda's Famous Berry Manilow Sweet Potatoes.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Day 26 - Thankful for Patience

On this 26th day I am thankful for patience. Not always as thankful  as I should be, but the last few days have been very trying. If I had no patience I think I would just explode...of implode. Life has so many ups and downs...some times it feels like I am on a See Saw!!!!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Day 24 - My Daily Bread

Day 24 is the day for bread - Thank you! Baking bread for my husband this morning, I was thinking about my Thanks for this day. So many things to be thankful for. Bread, especially my home baked bread brings so many memories to me. My Grandfather and Father baked bread for our livelihood. So many of my earliest memories as a child into my earliest memories as a "grownup" involves, at least as a background, the bakeries and all the wonderful goodies that were fashioned there....including bread.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Day 23 - Thank you my little Brides!

Shausta Brophy Wilson
Jackie Doddridge Seyley
On this 23rd Day
I am thankful for my
two beautiful brides of 2013.
Their trust in me to help with the most important day of their lives
inspired me to 
actually "get out of myself" long enough to heal some pretty hardy wounds this year.
It was truly a joy to spend the days working on their dreams...which became my own...and they came true!!!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Day 22 - Thanks Dr. Sheldon Cooper!

On Day 22 I am Thankful for...yup...believe it or not....a TV show. The Big Bang Theory, 6:00 pm weeknights on CM Channel. It just makes me laugh out loud!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Day 21 - You are my sunshine!

Yellowstone 2012
    On this 21st day of November - I am thankful - like the last 27 years on this day - for my beautiful son Thomas Patrick Barnett.
    Thomas opened his eyes knowing full well that he was sunshine, and has fulfilled that promise every day since I have been introduced to him. It is a privilege to be his mother, and his friend.
    Thomas has taught me many thing about children, boys, kindness, love and sunshine.
     We are kindred spirits and I
Christmas 2011
am so thankful to be spending
part of my life journey
with him.
Happy 27th Birthday
Thomas. I love you.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Day 19 - Thankful for The World of my Girls

On this 19th Day of November I am so thankful for this world that my "Girls" are growing up in. I watched this video on Face Book this morning, and it dawned on my what an amazing world this is in so many ways.
Young girls, in the United States and many other countries have every opportunity to explore the world around them and make choices based on their own dreams and desires. Not true for many females in past history and not true for many females in this day around our world. We are truly blessed, and this Momma and Granna is so thankful today.                   

Monday, November 18, 2013

Day 18 - Thankful for my Best Friend

Sherree is my Best Friend. I am so thankful on this 18th day, to have her in my life. She is so many things that I am not. Instead of being critical or complaining she just fills in the holes. She is loving and giving and such a thoughtful person...probably the hardest working women I have ever known....or at least as hard working as my Momma, sister and Aunt Velma...and that is saying something. Sherree is the kind of friend that is there whenever you need matter what. I love her like a sister. Thank you Father God for putting her in my life.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Day 17 - Easy like Sunday Morning...Thanks

I love Sunday Mornings! Day 17 on Tessa's FB Page reminded me of just how much I love Sunday mornings.
Sleep in if a want....I usually don't but I could if I wanted to. Make the bed, make some breakfast, get the Sunday Denver Post Perspective and Entertainment sections, and set down with my husband and watch CBS Sunday Morning. My favorite Sunday morning, rain or shine; and I am thankful for it.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Day 16 -Thank you for Ears to hear, and Heart to feel

Sometimes I don't listen very well...or at least I don't listen to the right things. So hard to discern. Today the 16th day I am thankful for my ears to hear, what my heart is truly feeling. Wish I had the magic formula to figure out when I am off track...but I least I can feel it in my heart when I am on track.

Day 15 - Plop Plop Fiz Fiz!!

Hairy Little Beast!!!
On day 15 I am so thankful for cold medications and a rocking chair to snuggle up in!!! I felt the cold coming on yesterday...that funny little tickle at the back of my throat, and sure enough today it reared its ugly head. I am pretty miserable, but probably not as bad as I will be. These hairy little beasts (colds) seem to have to run their course....3-7 days. Can't tell what this one will be, but I am keeping my Advil and friends close by, and thankful to have them!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Day 14 - Namaste - Thankful for my Yoga

My Yoga Class started again this cloudy Thursday morning after a bit of a bump.

Love my yoga teacher, and my fellow students in the class. I have learned so much about myself, my body - mind, and other people since I began yoga classes 2 years ago. 
     I feel like it is something that will help me continue my life in a way that will help me to reach my potential, my God-given, creativity, and to love me and all those around me.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Day 13 - Thankful for the Journey

On this Wednesday morning November 13, the 13th day of my Thirty Days of Thankfulness, I am thankful for the Journey...The Journey of My Life. I love where I am. It is not that everything is just perfect, or wonderful...but there are many things that are perfect and wonderful. One of the greatest things I have learned along the way is Do Not Get Attached to any Circumstance. The circumstance will soon change...just like this day will soon change to the next, and with it bring more circumstances...good or bad, I have learned if I just let it be and learn (if I can) things always, always work out just like they were intended to. I have to remember sometimes, I am not the Intender.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Day 12 - Thankful for Rest

On Day 12 of this month I am so thankful for rest.
My days seems so full, and they go by so fast, I loose track of time.
How can I be 56!!!
I am so tired tonight, and after reading my sweet Tessa's FB page tonight, I decided
she is on to something. She is thankful for evenings with sports activities. I am just thankful
for evening...because that means I won't be to far from sweet sleep.
Thank you for twilight and bedtime. Looking forward to the sun...everything always looks bright and
shiny after a good night sleep....

Day 11 - Thankful for Travel Mercies

Day 11 - Today a trip to Denver with my husband and I am thankful for travel mercies. I have always had an idea of what that means, but on this day as we travel through this so very busy city, that I am not used to I am thankful for a guardian angel and travel mercies. We had such a great day, enjoyed each other, the weather and the fact that we made it home safe and sound. Heard about a bus accident in our home town on the radio as we were coming home...and found out when we got home that it was not nearly as bad as it could have been. So thankful today for Travel Mercies...I know what they are.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Day 10 - Thank you for my freedom - Veterans

 Band of Brothers - Hallelujah
Day 10 - Thanks you Vets for my freedom.

Video Watch  Band of Brothers - Hallelujah

What a gift...I ask sometimes about that "Amazing Love" I sing about to my Jesus and then I wonder...about war and it's terrible cost. What does it can it ever be right? Such suffering and such loss, on the part of real live humans that we so often just forget about until Veterans Day rolls around. The final words of Tim Donnelly in this beautiful video I watched on the CBS Sunday Morning Show really caught my heart..and somehow helped make some sense of it all. Gods way is not our way and we just have to trust, blindly sometimes. Once in a while if I pay attention, when I least expect, I get a few answers, and they are often so stunning they just take my breath away.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Day 9 -The Cats Meow

Baby Grey
I am thankful for my kitty Baby Grey.Baby Grey showed up in our garage the week after my Dad died. We have a big Baby cat that kept most all stray kittys out of our yard, but for some reason he look a liking to the grey kitten. That was three years ago...took Baby Grey a month to move into the house and a couple weeks after that she was making her self home on my pillow at bedtime! She is a beautiful grey cat with big green eyes. She is the guard and keeper of our home and family and she takes her job very seriously! She doesn't go to sleep at night till she has everyone rounded up and tucked into bed. She is a comfort and sweet joy in my life. What a blessing!

Friday, November 8, 2013

Day 8 - TGIF

I am so thankful for Fridays!!!! 
 Then I watched this beautiful video, and realized just how awesome this Friday really is!
 It's just like all my Fridays,
they are all amazing. Each day that I get to spend
in this wonderful life that God has given me
is the most special gift I will ever get....
and I get it everyday!
And enjoy it everyday...even Fridays...if I will just
open my mind and my heart and accept it
for what it is:
A Gift.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Day 7 - I am thankful for the ability to READ!!!

I love, love love to read!!! I am so thankful for the ability to read. Along with the reading is the ability to understand WHAT I am reading. I am thankful for all the people that made me aware of books, who read to me, or read around me. Thank you to be parents and grandparents. Thank you to my teachers. Thank to the authors, publishers...the list can just go on and on. My most recent book, The Signature of All Things by Elizabeth Gilbert is so amazing!!!! I a thankful to her and so many women like her. She is an inspiration, mentor and just fun lady to be aware of. What a beautiful universe books let us travel through!

Day 6 - Love, Support, Protection and a whole lotta fun!

Patty & Bob Clouse June 2008
Day 6 -  I am so thankful for
 Bob & Patty Clouse;
 my precious Momma and Daddy.
 They were and always will be my heart and people anyone could ever have for parents, friends and mentors.
 They taught me everything I know about love.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Day 5...Rain Rain go away...NOT! :)

Day 5 woke up to hear the raindrops coming down. Beautiful morning. I am so thankful for the moisture the rain brings and what it does for our yard, and the farmers and every part of our community, state, country and world....even if it does turn to snow :(

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Day 4...Let the Sun Shine In

     Day 4 and it is a beautiful Monday morning in my Sunroom aka my favorite room in the house! I am so thankful for this bright, quiet, peaceful room. I can do my yoga in the early morning sunshine while I look out over our yard. I can quietly read or write or just be still.
     It is a perfect space to invite guests into our home or fill it full of family on birthdays and holidays.
     It is filled with so many memories: Wedding preparations, Christmas trees, Easter pictures with Granda & Papa Thanksgiving Kraut buns, new puppies, and so many stories! Stories from Papa Clouse to Thomas and Eric, the little blonde beauty and Granda in the big brown chair telling Tessa how to make her famous Barry Manilow sweet potatoes.
     I feel so close to everyone I love and care about when I come into this room...even....maybe especially the ones that have wings now!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Day 3 - My Knight in Shining Armour

Day 3 and I have literally hundreds if not thousands of things to be thankful for!!! For this 3rd day I choose: my precious husband Dick Amos. He is so many things to me. He was my best dreams, Knight in Shining Armour, Love of My Life, Soul get the idea :). He is still most if not all of those things...but after 23+ years of marriage he is so many other things...not all so shining! LOL Although I have figured out that maybe he did not set the moon, and not the very best Knight, let alone any shining armour, he is good, kind, honest,
Estes Park Summer 2012
hard working, a real thinker, and most of all he loves me as I love him. I have figured out I could not have learned the 10 Million things I have from Dick if I hadn't loved him so much...because I would never have listened to all that stuff from anyone that I didn't want to be with long term....I would have walked away after the first few months...So thankful that I have stayed.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Posted on Pinterest today under

30 Days Of Thanks!!! Day 1 & 2 Trips & Diamonds

Day 1 and 2....Little bit behind! What else is new?!!!

Yesterday -  Friday November 1, 2013
     I am thankful for my home. After a wonderful....truly wonderful trip to NYC with my sweet
husband for 4 days...I am thankful to come home to my home. After several months of not knowing where, when, what....or anything else about what I want or not wanted, I am thankful for...being thankful for my home.

Today - Saturday November 2, 2013
     This day I am thankful for my business...businesses. Both Amos Jewelry and Dilyn Design. All my customers that come in to do business with me after all these years, still is surprising and heart warming. Today I sold a diamond engagement ring to the soon to be fiance of a very special young women, who is the daughter of one of our oldest, best and very dearest friends and customers.
     Working in the flower shop along with my sweet friend Sherree is a joy that I am so thankful for. I love to go into the studio and see all the beautiful colors, and work on my art and design whenever I want too. I am truly thankful.