Monday, December 2, 2013

Day 2 - Peace & Quiet

Day 2- So thankful for the peace and quiet in my home, business, mind and marriage. Yesterday I had so much fun with Dick, we got lots done and felt so good about everything...even though we were VERY tired! The outside tried to come in but I
 was able to guard our tranquility and even this morning it is still safe. My Siesta Memory verse for December 1 -  Finally, brethren,
 whatever things are true, whatever things
 are noble, whatever things are just,
 whatever things are pure, whatever

 things are lovely, whatever things are
 of good report, if there is any virtue and
 if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate
 on these things.  The things which you
 learned and received and heard and saw
 in me, these do, and the
 God of peace will be with you.

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